Frequently Asked Questions

1. What made you decide to create this project?SIEBEL

Kesher was organized by shadchanim who were regularly receiving desperate calls on behalf of singles with medical issues who were struggling with shidduchim. After making successful shidduchim, these shadchans became a resource for different organizations who had clients looking for help. The calls were frantic, from people who didn’t know where or how to begin their shidduch journey. We found people in this situation were often frozen in place, unsure of who they could trust with such sensitive information. This highlighted an important need in the Jewish community that wasn’t being addressed. With that, Kesher was born with the mission to assist Jewish singles with medical issues in finding a shidduch. This led to the development of Kesher’s database, which built a network of candidates into a user friendly portal that generates matches based on profile information provided. Additionally, the database addresses confidentiality concerns at the beginning of the shidduch process by providing these singles with the freedom to begin the shidduch process while keeping sensitive medical information confidential. In these ways, Kesher’s database is poised to serve as a key resource for so many singles in this situation.

2. What are you trying to accomplish with the project?SIEBEL

Kesher’s mission is to help Jewish singles with medical issues realize their dreams of creating a Jewish family. We do this by building and powering a network where Jewish singles with medical issues can comfortably and successfully embark on their shidduch journey. Kesher’s database is a critical tool in accomplishing this mission in that it serves as a confidential and centralized unified platform and database including a wide range of Jewish singles and conditions that is used to identify potential matches. The database introduces singles to potential matches that might otherwise be unable or difficult to connect to traditional shadchan networking.

3. How will it work?SIEBEL

Once enrolled, clients complete a dating profile, which provides background information on personality, level of religious observance, and medical information. Identifying client information remains confidential, and is never displayed to other users. Upon completing a profile, clients will be able to search the database for potential matches. An experienced Kesher shadchan is alerted once a client clicks MATCH ME from a list of potential matches. Only one Kesher shadchan has access to a user’s private profile information. The shadchan reviews the prospects and begins the traditional shadchan process, including discussion with medical experts when necessary and liaising between sides to facilitate a match.

4. Is this for people with physical problems, mental problems and genetic problems?SIEBEL

Kesher’s services are open to Jewish singles experiencing any type of medical issue. No issue is too big or too small to register. We work with clients dealing with a spectrum of health issues, including physical, mental, genetic, reproductive, blood, gastro, endocrine, autoimmune, cardiology, nephrology, pulmonary, neurology, and others not listed here.

5. Will the people be separated into different categories? SIEBEL

The database uses filters that enables users to filter specific information, such as age, Judaism types, medical issues, etc.

6. Are there some problems which would be too great to include in your website?SIEBEL

No issue is too big or too small. We want to help as many people as possible.

7. Will this also be for people who have other problems such as being divorced, or having lived a non-frum life before becoming frum? SIEBEL

Currently Kesher’s mission is focused on helping Jewish singles with medical issues. Marital/family (children) history is a part of database profile information collected.

8. Will the website be open to the public or only to shadchanim?SIEBEL

The website will be open to singles with medical issues who are looking for a shidduch. Shadchanim that are signed up with Kesher Networks will be able to use the database to help find shiduchim for their clients. No personal identifiable information will be shared with shadchanim until a match is requested. Confidentiality is a primary concern. Clients click MATCH ME when they view a profile they would like to pursue. That will alert one Kesher shadchan to begin the process. Names are only be revealed when both parties are ready and consent at the time of their choosing. Different clients have different needs and we accommodate them all. Some will want a first meeting before sharing names, others will not meet without doing so. Regardless of the approach, Kesher is prepared to help. All users are bound by the strictest rules of confidentiality.

9. Are you expecting singles to sign up themselves or their parents to do it for them? SIEBEL

While either a parent or the person could complete the profile, it is important that the person completing the profile is the person responsible for the shidduch. There is only one login available per client.

10. What kinds of issues are you expecting people to sign up with?SIEBEL

We expect to help clients dealing with a wide spectrum of issues, including physical, mental, genetic, infertility, endocrine, reproductive, blood, gastro, endocrine, autoimmune, cardiology, nephrology, pulmonary, neurology, etc.

11. How will you know that the person is being honest?SIEBEL

As part of Kesher’s terms of agreement prior to finalizing registration, clients agree to turn over their medical record at the appropriate time prior to finalizing a shidduch. Clients will have the choice to turn the files over directly to either: the other side, a Kesher intermediary, or an agreed upon third-party. Every effort is made to be sensitive to confidentiality concerns.

12. Will people have to include information with references to find out more details about their problem or does that wait until a couple meets? SIEBEL

Clients will be required to provide family references as part of their registration. This information will remain private until a shidduch is serious and we are ready to use them. Clients are also required to agree to turn over their medical files before the shidduch is finalized, however, medical conditions will be known before meeting. Names are only disclosed when both sides are ready.

13. Will you be involved with suggesting ideas to people or will you wait for people to look at the website and request matches for themselves?SIEBEL

Kesher is here to help! Kesher’s shadchans will periodically review the database network to identify potential matches. However, it is in everyone’s best interest for users to browse the dashboard independently.

14. How involved will you be once a shidduch is suggested? SIEBEL

Kesher will be as involved as our clients need and want us to be! We are here to help make the process as painless as possible. A confidential intermediary is so important when it comes to these shidduchim. Kesher Networks has established relationships with a network of physicians who can provide important guidance on the compatibility of medical conditions. We also strongly suggest clients consult their medical experts.

15. Which Jewish communities are you targeting? SIEBEL

Kesher is here to help! We work with Jewish singles from a wide variety of backgrounds, including: Chassidish, Litvish, Haimish, Yeshivish, Chabad, Modern Orthodox, Syrian, Egyptian Lebanese, Moroccan, Persian, Israeli, Yemenite, Chareidi, etc.